Posts in Sermons
All Things New: New Clothes (Col. 3:12-14)

We’re invited to have a style that is new, even when all around is old. There are a lot of old things we can wear around — selfishness, close mindedness, resentment — but Jesus invites us into a whole new way of being and living and clothing ourselves. This new way has love at its center and compassion as its outer layer. Find out how this new style can help you be new when all around is old.

All Things New: Wallbreakers & Bridgebuilders (Reflections on MLK & Jesus, Eph 2:13-17)

This Sunday, we reflected on the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his wall-breaking, bridge-building work that challenges us to answer the call in our time. Like Jesus, MLK worked to make the world new even when the world around him was trapped in the old patterns and prejudices. Learn how Jesus’ wall-breaking work overcame the old walls of separation, and calls us to continue breaking walls and building bridges in our lives. 

Wisdom from Above: James 3:14-18

We all want to live the good & beautiful life—and God wants that for us as well. The skills to get there are called wisdom, and the book of James is full of wise thought and direction. But, the wisdom from above comes when we use our skills and our self for the good of others. Find out how in this final installment in our summer James series.

Faith & Works: James 2:14-17

“Faith makes you alive, apart from works” — and “faith that is alive works for love.” These two perspectives run throughout Scripture. Taken together they give us a deeper picture of life with God and how you can come alive in the life and love you were meant to find.