Every Sunday morning at Open, we speak a liturgy together that serves as an affirmation of our community’s purpose and faith:

The Open Liturgy

We come together to seek God, trusting that God is seeking us with open arms.
All are welcome here.

No matter our doubts or questions, where we come from or who we love, even in the chaotic seasons of life, we are loved by God.
All are welcome here.

We believe that everyone is a child of God, every age, race, gender, identity, ability, and creed, all are beautifully and colorfully made and of sacred worth.
All are welcome here.

We affirm that God is a good God, who lifts the oppressed, loves the vulnerable, and is open to all, so we choose to have open hearts, open minds, open arms, and open doors to God and to each other.
All are welcome here.