Open Anti-Racism Resources

The baptismal vow of our faith tradition says “We accept the freedom and power God gives us to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.” In our world evil, injustice, and oppression take the form of racism and systemic inequality in our culture, country, and communities. But God gives us the freedom and power to resist. We hope these resources help us better listen, learn, liberate, and love as we work to resist and to cultivate good in our world. As our friend Jenny Bates says, “You don’t have to start doing all of them tomorrow. But you do have to start.

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Let us know you want to be a part of the work.

We are starting an action group and a book group to read, reflect, and learn more about how to resist. Let us know if you want to be involved.

Anti-Racism Resources

Anti-Racism Reading and Listening List

To help us in our reflection, we want to share a few other resources: books, articles, TED talks, songs, and podcasts.


Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor, Layla F. Saad…/…/
An important resource for knowing how to begin taking ownership and making changes in our lives in this historical moment — “Begin with me. Begin with you.” Layla writes. And — this book is free through the Kindle store right now!

White Fragility: Why It is So Hard for White People to Talk about Race…/…/
— Our Open Thought group worked through this transformational book last fall — it is a great overview of the problem of racism and the obstacles my white privilege and perspective makes for recognition and conversation. This book really, really helped me see myself and the work I need to be a part of more clearly.

I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in Age Made for Whiteness, Austin Channing Brown —


10 Simple Ways White People Can Step Up to Fight Everyday Racism, Derrick Clifton…/10-simple-rules-for-being-a-non-racis…
Clifton offers some steady steps towards becoming allies in the fight against racial inequality.

Guidelines for Being Strong White Allies, Paul Kivel
A 2006(!) pamphlet of wisdom for ally-ship gathered from the voices of people of color.

The Case for Reparations, Ta-Nehisi Coates…/the-case-for-reparati…/361631/
— A well-researched look at the modern history of generational racial inequality in our country and the real, structural inequities it continues to create in our neighborhoods and lives. This article was such an eye-opener for me.

A joint statement by the UMC's General Board of Church and Society and the General Commission on Religion and Race, if you're interested in how the UMC is responding to murder of people of color.

1619 Project — A history of slavery’s cruel beginning and devastating present effects

4 Ways White People Can Process Their Emotions Without Hijacking the Conversation on Racial Justice, Jennifer Loubriel

Videos and podcasts

How to Raise a Black Son in America, Clint Smith — and other TED talks on race…/clint_smith_how_to_raise_…/discussion…
Clint tells the story of his dad giving him “the talk” and his hopes for his sons. This powerful talk is part of a playlist of other TED Talks on race, including Bryan Stevensons’ (Just Mercy) look at the racial inequities in our justice system. 

The Problem We All Live With, This American Life…/the-problem-we-all-live-…
Named after the Norman Rockwall painting of Ruby Bridges being escorted to elementary school in 1960, this powerful, challenging two-part podcast looks at the structural inequality that still exists in our educational system.

James Cone – The Cross and the Lynching Tree — a talk from his book given at the 2012 General Conference of the United Methodist Church —

“Rose Petals” by Common Hymnal, featuring Dee Wilson — Please take the time to listen to the hymn below, Rose Petals. It invites us to stop long enough to look at all the beautiful roses on the ground — the lives and names and children of God that lay in the wake of our brokenness. May we do the work that leads to our change and our healing, for the sake of our siblings, for the sake of us.

Other Readings

Michelle Alexander - The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness - 

Dr. Baranda Fermin - A Thank You Letter to My (White) Friend -

Rev. Pamela Lightsey - Our Lives Matter: A Womanist Queer Theology -

James H Cone - The Cross and the Lynching Tree -

Audre Lorde - Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches

National Museum of African American History & Culture resources on Whiteness